the call to lay ministry
Derrick unpacks how hearing a pastor say “lay people” are “those people who lay around and do as little as possible” shaped his understanding of what it means to serve God.
the call to elder ministry
Jenny moved with her family to Alaska at the age of 9 and found plenty of opportunities to serve her United Methodist church despite her age. In time, this preacher’s kid felt a strong call to ministry herself and became a United Methodist pastor.
the call to discern vocation
Tyler was clear about his talents, passions and shortcomings, and ultimately recognized a calling to the ordained ministry. Becoming a pastor, “was putting a title on what I knew I was already made to do.”
the call to servant ministry
the call to servant ministry
Melissa has lived or worked in 25 countries as a representative of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Her job is to assess the immediate and long-term recovery needs in communities and look for solutions.
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